Lap Cyst Excision

Laparoscopic excision is surgery to remove a cyst on your ovar


  • Your caregiver will make a small incision on or above your belly button. Your caregiver will insert the laparoscope through this incision. He may also put surgical tools in your abdomen through other small incisions. Your caregiver will separate your cyst from your ovary. He may then remove fluid or blood from your cyst with a needle. If fluid is removed, it is sent to the lab for tests. If the cyst is cancer, you will have an open surgery instead of a laparoscopic surgery.
  • Your caregiver will then use a laparoscope to remove your cyst from your ovary. He will take the cyst out through the incision in your abdomen or through your vagina. He may also remove part or all of your ovary. Your caregiver will then close your ovary with stitches or leave it open to heal on its own. He will send your cyst and a sample of any tissues he removed to the lab for testing.
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