Mini PCNL Surgery is the newer and improvised version of PCNL as it is performed with a miniaturized nephroscope. It has been found that this procedure is 99% effective in removing stones of 1 to 2.5 cm in size. Though, Kidney Treatment by Mini-PCNL can not be used for larger kidney stones, it has the advantage of less complications and shorter execution time. Further, there is an another advantage of shorter recovery time. With specialized and well-trained surgeons, we, Eagle Stone & Kidney Care Centre provide patients comprehensive Specialized Surgery and have become a prominent name among the Mini-PCNL Treatment Centers in Delhi. Also, our offered healthcare treatments are accessible and affordable. 


We are the first to do large number of TUBELESS MINIPERC (i.e. mini PCNL).

Standard PCNL (which means removal of kidney stone through a hole at the back).

We perform the same procedure using only a 3-4mm hole at the back & use new/sophisticated instruments to perform surgery in adults & paediatric.

As a result of which there is risk of minimal bleeding and patients are discharged within 24-36 hours (Daycare).

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